Roll of Honour
Captain Thomas William David (1910)
6 August 1891 – 27 July 1917
Brother of Alexander Charles Robert David M.C. (1910). Entered College in Michaelmas Term, 1910. A member of the 1st Rugby Football XV, 1910 – 1911; 1st Cricket XI, 1914. B.A., 1916. A member of the University Contingent of the Officers’ Training Corps. Commenced service on 1 December 1914. Second Lieutenant of the 5th Battalion (Territorial), Welsh Regiment, 1914; Lieutenant, 1916; Captain, 1917. Undertook training of recruits at Pontypridd and served with the Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders from 22nd February 1917, attached to the 15th Battalion, The Welsh Regiment. Killed in action on the Yser Canal, north of Ypres on the 27 July 1917.
His Commanding Officer wrote:
A German aeroplane with British colours dropped very close over the trench, lit a signal and directed the German shell fire into the trench in which your brother was killed. He will always linger in our memories, and none of us will ever forget a good officer and a brave gentleman.
(‘De Ruvigny’s Roll of Honour’, 1914-1919, Volume 5, pg. 43)
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