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Roll of Honour

Second Lieutenant Arthur Denzil Onslow, M. C. (1906)

14 January 1887 – 13 August 1916

Entered College in Michaelmas Term, 1906. 2nd History, 1909; B.A., 1910. In business, then worked at a school mission, Canning Town and then at an Australian Voluntary Hospital, 1914. Commenced service in August 1914, Second Lieutenant, 13th Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment, 1915; 4th Battalion, attached to the 11th Battalion, 1915 (France). Killed in action at Bazentin-le-Petit, Battle of the Somme, 13 August 1916. Awarded an M.C. posthumously on 22 September 1916:

For conspicuous gallantry and coolness in leading his company in an attack until stopped by uncut wire and concentrated machine gun fire. He exposed himself, regardless of danger, in carrying in wounded.

(‘Supplement to The London Gazette’, 22 September 1916)

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