Roll of Honour
Lieutenant Harold Walter Wade (1907)
7 January 1888 – 28 October 1914
Entered College in Michaelmas Term, 1907. Classical Scholar. A member of the 1st Association Football XI, 1907 – 1911; 1st Cricket XI, 1908 – 1911 (Captain, 1911); 1st Hockey XI, 1908 – 1911. President of the JCR, 1910. A member of the Debating Society, 1910. A member of the University Contingent of the Officers’ Training Corps. 2nd Class. Mods., 1909; 2nd Lit. Hum., 1910.
Commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant on the Unattached List for the Territorial Force on the 25 of November 1911. Attached to the 3rd Brahman Regiment on the 23 of March 1913; Lieutenant, April 1913. Killed in action near Neuve Chapelle, 28 October 1914.
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